Monday, March 24, 2014

Ocean Expo Park Part 2: Tropical Dream Center

(Last posts about January. Slowly catching up.)

On the northern end of the island, near the city of Nago, is an area called Ocean Expo Park. It covers a rather large area and contains several different sites, including the Churaumi Aquarium, several gardens and arboretums, a native Okinawan village, and a museum. On this trip, we visited the one of the arboretums, called the Greenery Kingdom, and the Tropical Dream Center, a large indoor/outdoor garden walk, featuring hundreds of orchids and other flowers and an observation tower. Again, another pictorial post. The photos aren't in order, but in this case, it doesn't really matter.

the orchids were mostly kept indoors

the orchids looked like they were covered in glitter

the observation tower. you took an elevator up several stories, then climbed stairs the rest of the way.

 and the view

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