Monday, October 21, 2013

Moving Day

Moving day!
The entirety of our earthly possessions, packed, loaded, and gone in two hours.




bags for the plane

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Updates, and Plane Ticket!

So I've missed a lot of days and happenings. Let me get you up to date.

I was promoted to manager at work, which has turned out to be a lot of fun. Even though I had never worked retail before, the position turned out to be a good fit. I've been having a bit of fun here in Lansing, from contra dancing to the Renaissance Festival. It's been good to keep busy. I went to North Carolina last weekend to visit my family and meet my new niece. Things are changing so fast, and I wanted to be able to see everyone all at once, for the last time in a long time.

Nathan went to a spiritual retreat with two congregations. A few days in a resort hotel discussing theology was good for him. He also has been dodging typhoons, and dealing with the government shutdown.

But really, I'm dying to tell you the big news.

I have my plane ticket. I'm leaving for Okinawa in about two weeks. It all slowly came together, through a lot of prayer and asking questions and waiting. Just yesterday Nathan went to look at several housing options. We are settling on a place to live, and will be staying in an apartment in a Christian community center near Hansen until we can move in. Nathan bought a car for us, though we have to wait for the personally own vehicle approval comes through to drive it. The movers are coming a few days before I leave to pack up everything and ship it sometime in the next few months.

It's a lot of craziness. It's a lot to figure out and learn about and settle while both of us still work. Everything is new to us, so we have to be guided.

But it's almost over. After almost five months apart, we have just two weeks to go.